About the website

  • Scrapping from different renowned websites like Aarong, Allen-solly, Apex. Have a Collection of more than 20 Thousand Products 🔥

  • Hosted the Dataset on HuggingFace Link

  • A Multimodal Vector database that will support image, text, audio similarity

  • We have used qdrant for hosting the Vector database on cloud

  • Every point in the vector database has 4 vectors to support robust and precise multimodal search

  • We have used OpenAI's text-embedding-3-small model for creating embedding for text. We used CLIP-VIT-B-32 for creating embedding for image. The image embedding supports multimodality. That supports a shared vector space for both text and images. That's how we have both sparse and dense vectors in our vector database

  • We have used LLAVA-13B model to generate detail specification of product image for the little underdeveloped websites. Then we used the generated description for vectorization purpose

  • Our services dominantly deals with Smart Search of products. Besides that we also developed review system, recommendation system.

  • Recommendation system tracks your choice from your cart behaviour and show you recommended related products

  • Review system is based on sentiment analysis. Your review is categorized so that concurrent users can easily dictate between the positive and negative reviews and also know the reasons

  • Now Begins our search functionality

  • Search input is any subset of text, image and audio

  • We generate corresponding embedding for the input fields.
    • text - OpenAI text-embedding-3-small
    • Image - CLIP-VIT-B-32
    • OpenAI whisper - text - OpenAI text-embedding-3-small

  • We search into our vector database and fetch the top k relevant hits

  • We feed the result as payload to gpt for multi level conversation, comparison and so on

Meet the Team

Team Member 1

Nazmus Sakib


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Team Member 2

Saad Md Rafid Pial


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Team Member 3

Labid Al Nahiyan Avro



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